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Meeting 20

September 10, 2015

Location: DAV painting studio.

Schedule: 09:00hs - 12:00hs.

Contents: COLLAGES

List of materials: various types of paper (different weights, sizes and models/textures), scissors, rulers, glass for cutting mats, craft knives, spools, larger tweezers, brushes and paint pots. Glue (I suggest acid-free), masking tape. Suggested base: watercolor paper or canvas paper (for painting) in A2 or A5 size. More paper is needed for collages; another option is to make your own paper in advance with your paints in the colors of your palette. Each person should bring their reference images on their theme, or bring objects to create a still life using our structures (optional for those who do not have a defined theme).

Reference artist: Marco Giannotti and his Kyoto Diary.

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

Encontro 20

@2024 | Apotheke Painting Studio

All rights reserved to the State University of Santa Catarina and the Apotheke Painting Studio.

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