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March 5, 2015:

Content: collage study.

List of materials:

- A3 Foam Board (or cork)

- tacks and/or pins

- glue (acid-free) preferably, scissors, paper clips

- ready-made colored paper and prepared colored paper (what we did in meeting 1)

- Base: stretched canvas and frame (prepared with acrylic plaster) and dried to A3 size; paper for the collage base, preferably A2 (larger than the canvas, watercolor paper or similar is suggested). Matisse glued his collages to a base, which was glued to the prepared canvas.*see videos.

- Another possibility for the base: it is also possible to prepare the base like this: on a Eucatex or Paraná paper, glue high-grammage watercolor paper and glue it onto this base.

Reference artist: Matisse

*I suggest researching the exhibition: Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs - October 12, 2014–February 10, 2015, NY.

*On the Moma website, you can listen to the audio of almost all the collages.

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