Meeting 16
August 13, 2015:
LOCATION: UDESC painting studio,
Opening hours: 09:00 to 12:00.
Content: Study of monopythia technique WITH ROSANA PAULINO
List of individual materials: oil paint, oil pastels, turpentine or other solvent, various brushes for oil paint, acrylic plate or glass plate (A4 size or larger or as desired); barem or engraving roller or wooden spoon; paper of various weights (Japanese is the most recommended or preferably thinner, the heavier weights are recommended for printing on a press); good quality photographic print (b&w or color) of the subject you are researching or an image from a book that you use as a reference in your research.
We will have the prey to use in sizes: A5 and A4.
We will have a hot table (to test) the use of oil paint and printing.
- we have A4 acrylics and A5 eucatex, for use in the studio specifically. *you need to bring newspaper for cleaning
- Bring solvent (eco-solve preferably) or odorless solvent
- It is also possible to work with chalcography using the press. Take papers of varying weights.
- Bring images of references and/or objects (small), books and magazines, collages…